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Fate usually plays a big impact to everyone. Sometimes, you have advantages, sometimes, you don't.

Fate played them out. Both love/like each other yet they cannot be together.

If only they goes according to their thinking, if only they say it, it will be different matter. Perhaps, their now is different. I urge you guys, if you like someone, don't wait any longer. Do it so, or you will regret it.

"If we realised our feeling earlier,
If we exchanged our thoughts earlier,
Our now will be completely different
The beautiful weather had turned to rain storm"

By Julius.


Happy Deepavali. Yeah, it's a bit late, but wouldn't mind, right?

Anyway, didn't give much time to online during the holiday. But, I shouldn't leave it completely either. So, here, taking a bit of time to blog a little.

Holiday started on Wednesday, so, had been gaming a lot, movie-ing a lot, eating a lot and have some outing. Like today, went out with my old friend to the usual place (like we have no other place to go, sort)

Supposedly, today is my first time going to Karaoke. But, the receptionist gives us a bit hard time, we came and back forth. So, ended up, we couldn't go for one. For the first time, I witnessed my friend's pissed look. It's unusual sight. Usually, he's all calm, thereof, I learnt that no one can be calm. Perhaps, we faked a personal or something likewise.

We ended up going to some Japanese restaurant, Japin. I have no comment on this restaurant. After which, we went to Pavilion. Well, I gonna spare talking what we did, but just wanted to say Uniqlo have a lot of customers! Care to go for a trip? You gotta line a long queue. But, seems to be very fashionable. Perhaps, will go there, anyone?

The day ended with nothing much, we did all talk and eating. Chan, will try to get your ring if I ever go to Ipoh. haha

Tomorrow's activity is off, means more free time to play games (opps, not studying). Haha, as much as I tried to do something benefiting, I couldn't do much especially in my holiday. Something I must change. Perhaps, starts next holiday.

Anyhow, after this holiday, it's time to get serious. I don't want to go back to the past, and be afraid and get panic. It's pathetic. Must get serious! Plus, after this holiday, there's something I must do. I don't want to stop, Must keep moving forward.

And, remember, if you have something worth fighting for, it is best not to give up, you may think it's bad and you're gonna loss, but if everyone think the same, then it will be no one trying to invent/create something new. Great wisdom shared by my old friends. Thanks, it wakes me up somehow. Stay Alive!

Till then.

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