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My blog is still very much alive. haha Just that I got a lil bit busy this first week of holiday. I went to zoo negara, midvalley trips, Times square trips and wedding dinner trips.

Yesh, I have mannny picturers waiting to post, do bear with me, pretty tired to post pictures. So, next week, I gotta stay at home, try to be a good kid and start my training session and penning my work. Got to start some training, I am well aware of my kilos. And, BOOKS! Yes, I'm gonna start to read them without worries and take all the time!

I guess playing games to me, is getting boring. I wonder why, because I'm getting older? Getting disinterest with games I played. Maybe, I need fresh and new games!

So, 3 months of holiday is really amazing! I mean, I can do lot's of things that I wanted to do and before hand, unable to do so. Say, like travelling! Level up my training session!! All those I can only do so during holiday!

Haha Okay, I save the talk for next time. See ya.



As you may see, I have just completed my examination!!!

I have been waited for holiday ever since my revision started. And yeah, I feel very relieve after all the tension and stress subside (not to forget there is still some panic for erm...you know)

Okay, you may ask what is my plan during the holiday, I think I listed down there, but there's gonna be a change of heart but, depends how.

I seriously in need of reform. Well, I believe the standard is way different compare to past, if I stick to the past, I won't be be...Anyway, people, need to change. The change that according to development of time, paramount important change is to direct your life to the better way.

Used to thing to take things slowly, BUT NO. It's totally wrong, you want to change then change the whole bloodly thing. Because, slow changes CANNOT MEET DEMAND. Believe me, I experience it first hand. Well, of course depends of what kind of circumstances. But, yeah, don't make it a cosmetic change but radical one. Revolution.

Anyway, gotta go!

When the Light shines.

There, finished half of my examination. Another 6 days (finishing this coming Friday)...just another six days...

The questions are very different. It's very, very, very different. Anyway, all I can do is just move on.

Boys and girls, don't give up ya even it's really hard! Chill! Don't let your dream go away! Stay alive!



Yosssh. Yeah, acting like a child a bit BECAUSE I finalllllly sign up streamxy! IT's FREGGIN' so much better than celcom...

Oh, for the first time, I gotta say I love...eh forget it.

Anyway, days left 5 days! So many things to do, so little time!

All the best guys! Take good care of your health! Oranges! Vitamins anything!



It had been a while now!

Yesterday my revision classes was over. And, I only left 11 days to go before my final exam. Nervous indeed. Stressful, yeah. But, am waiting for it to finish asap! really!

Actually nothing much to talk about here. But just wanna say don't give up! Stay close to you goal! Think after this is your 3 months holiday! Alright? Stay alive!

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