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My blog is still very much alive. haha Just that I got a lil bit busy this first week of holiday. I went to zoo negara, midvalley trips, Times square trips and wedding dinner trips.

Yesh, I have mannny picturers waiting to post, do bear with me, pretty tired to post pictures. So, next week, I gotta stay at home, try to be a good kid and start my training session and penning my work. Got to start some training, I am well aware of my kilos. And, BOOKS! Yes, I'm gonna start to read them without worries and take all the time!

I guess playing games to me, is getting boring. I wonder why, because I'm getting older? Getting disinterest with games I played. Maybe, I need fresh and new games!

So, 3 months of holiday is really amazing! I mean, I can do lot's of things that I wanted to do and before hand, unable to do so. Say, like travelling! Level up my training session!! All those I can only do so during holiday!

Haha Okay, I save the talk for next time. See ya.

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