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Expect a day to be different with an apperance of an unexpected visitor

Well, lots of thing had happened during this past few days. My friend came to my house on last Friday, we basically talked everything from the day until night came. We shared one single view which is funny and not meant to show to readers. Still, I realised that, sometimes whether you know something would happen or not, it is best to move forward. Don't let fear to hold you.

There were wedding dinners on Saturday and Sunday. The Sunday dinner (mind you, both wedding of the same person, it seems to be some sort of Chinese tradition to invite people to your house and also the more formal wedding dinner in a restaurant). Well, I must say, the couple looks fine, perfectly together. Wish them for a great happiness and have lot of children!

Now, after all those dinners and some boring encounters, now is already Wednesday, sort like I'm going back to college real soon. A war gonna start and I will seriously gonna miss my 4 months of holiday because my next long break will be after my Final Part 1 examination. And, gosh, 4 months like that and we are bidding good bye. Pretty funny if you ask me. I guess Einstein's theory of Relativity proved to be right again.

There's another thing to share today (early today, haha). Perhaps, it's time to go when you experienced a situation or more just as Raymond Lam's In Good conscience to say good bye. Perhaps, you should take a look of the Chorus part.

"Too little happiness, too many heartbreaks
There is no need to enjoy the pain
Too little sharing, too many arguments
Why do (we) have to love like torture
Life is too short, too many sacrifices
Would rather bear the short pain, don’t endure any longer
Letting go more, would gain more
Don’t call it a beautiful journey, like being happy for the wrong thing
The reason for being in love, was for the happiness and laughter."

See ya.

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