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Usually, the time you have to sleep, is the time you start to ponder into things that you usually try to avoid. Well, that what happened to me, all sleepy but when you start to think and created illusions, you might as well just make yourself up and do something like this.

Yeah, indeed, I've many things in my mind lately.

I tried to sort it out. Yes, I could for some, yet not for other.

Then again, what prompted me into thinking now is that life is, ah so short and unpredictable. Even greater, sometime you just can't foresee things to happen. Like 2012, they said it will happen, some don't but will it happen? Are you bound to foresee? In fact, stuff like this can happen at anytime by the Will of the Heaven.

And, also just when you think it's all good, out of sudden, you read something or get to know something that just spoil your expectation wholly.

Ah, the taste of such bitter, I can digest, as much as I concern for now is to get some sleep.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to my friend, CHAN! All the best with you!

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