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It's really a while now since I last blogged. Well, busy la. haha I'm free but not too free just to blog. Well, nothing much to say beside some outings, some personal disruption and some dinners. Of course, some lyrics to be done.

So, what else I did? I played (and still playing) games. Kinda didn't read my books and yeah, hesitated for so, so long. But I really should start reading, tomorrow! YEA, I would.

I suppose to post some pictures here, the trip to Penang one. I will post is as soon as possible, hope I won't delay anymore.

This holiday is wonderful in a way. I mean, I really got relaxed. But there's a price, too. My healthy. haha constant of getting flu, fever and etc, surely not really a good deal. Not to mentioned I'm 2 months (almost) late of starting my boxing training. So, my stamina got down and I'm troubled with it whenever I sprint around. Well, of course I'm getting better.

Guess, I'm really lazy. Where's my so called repent and reform!?

Time for a real change.

Surely, this may be just a talk. Talk is made easier than real performance. But a change for a change. Time to embrace myself.

Anyway, I hope will write more often. Off.

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