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As you know, I went to Penang last month (which mean I suppose to post the pictures a month ago). Woke up at 5 something AM. Settle my stuffs and we began our journey to Penang. Reached Ipoh for around 8 plus. We plannned to eat the Curry mee but changed plan, had dim sum instead. The restaurant we usually go, the dim sum they served, I afraid, fell out of standard. (don't ask me where and the name of the restaurant, I do not know)

After an unsatisfying breakfast, we eager to eat better food in Penang.

Fastforward, reached Penang around 11 or 12.

Taken this near Queens' Bay Mall. Yeah, we went there first. We were looking for Shang Hai 10 (dim sum sort of restaurant). But the restaurant already...So we went to House of Dumplings. The food there is cheap but not really all yummy.

After all the jalan-jalan, we went back to the hotel. Take a break, shower and picture before heading to the seafood restaurant.

The next day. Went to Gek Loh Si (I wonder if I spell it right). We actually eat the Asam Laksa there. OH, IT'S YUMMY. After that, we headed to the temple. Pretty High, though.

Goddess of Mercy.

Near to our hotel.

Another Temple! Burmanesse Temple. It's really nice! Our trip of the day before going back home.

Thai Temple. Another good temple just opposite of Burmanese Temple

So, it's a really great vacation. Only if we can eat more good stuffs without gaining pounds. haha

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