Today is the second day of Chinese New Year. It certainly a great festive season to celebrate. Let’s recap of what I did few days ago. Last Friday, went on to clean and tidy up my room and later that evening, got my hair coloured with burgundy red. It turned out quite okay, just that the colour couldn’t stay; it will slowly be colourless (red-less) with each session of washing the hair. Not a concern, at least.
On Lunar eve or CNY eve whichever you may call, instead of staying at home, went to Sungai Wang and hang around for an hour, before going to Capitol Hotel (I finally realised it was not called Federal Hotel, but it’s one of the Federal Hotel’s branches) for a buffet dinner. Realised something in Sungai Wang, surprise, surprise, indeed.
The buffet was good, really good. There got so many yummy stuffs that I couldn’t resist, people should check it out, for the price is pretty reasonable, it’s in KL, you know? After getting home, I’m so stuffed, excellent! Oh, got many pretty girls, too. A plus, I guess?
Many people played fireworks, and it was lively, well, especially since you won’t be sleeping early, you got fireworks to cheer you up a little. I had literally spent the first and second day of CNY watching movies, playing games and eating! CNY mood 100%!
Well, after this I gotta start working on my body and mentality. Exam is like 2 months plus away, gotta prepare! No more lazy moments!
As for now...Tag!
Put your ten favorite songs by the solo singer/band, write the reason why and challenge others to do the same.
i) Mizerable-the first song that sparked my interest to listen to Gackt’s songs.
ii) Next Decade-oh, who wouldn’t like this song? You’re the Next, Next Decade!
iii) Setsugekka-The End of Silence-This song is so remarkable. Simply amazing.
iv) Stay Alive-Just amazing.
v) Rain-I can say this is one of the best, no question.
vi) Flower-a song that you can really feel.
vii) Kimino Tameni Dekirukoto-good song, really it is. Good melody, good lyrics and what else you can ask?
viii) Megurai-yet another good job from Gackt, literally.
ix) Saikai-Story-man, who cannot feel this emotional song?
x) Returner-Yami no Shuuen-very unique and very special.
Really, this is not in chronology order, I have so many songs to list!
Now, up next:
Name one or more songs that can describe as many moods of yours as possible using only ONE ARTIST.
Artist : Gackt
Sad : Rain, Setsugekka-The end of Silence, Flower, Sayonara, Story
Happy : Vanilla
Angry : Redemption, Ghost
Ecstatic : Ai Senshi, Cube, Seki Ray
Excited : Papa Lapped a pap Lopped, Vanilla, Black stone, Secret Garden
Determined : Next Decade, Stay Alive, Journey through the Decade
Sleepy : Ares
Grumpy : Ghost
In Love : Kimi ni Aitakute, Todokanai Ai to Shitteittano ni Osae Kirezu ni Aishitsuzuketa, December love song
Hyper : Cube, Blue Lagoon, Asrun Dream
Crazy : Asrun Dream, Justified
Inspired : Returner-Yami no Shueen
I can't be possiblly list out every song here, though.sp
Tagging: Whoever interested to do.
Alright, am going to Cameron Highland tomorrow, so cheer up, Expect more pictures in the future!
Happy CNY! :D
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
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