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Love is such a strong emotion.

It derive from you heart (exclude scientific for the moment ya), you will skip a beat or two. Then you began to feel the burning sensation on your face, feeling uncomfortable (although, it's somewhat not unpleasant, perhaps otherwise). Then, you will feel like talking with/seeing him/her. (I would prefer to talk in the guy's point of view, girls may have different views, so excuse me if I mentioned a wrong opinion).

*I will be using *we*, just an example,not gonna include me, personally, so I can explain better.*

So, when we were younger, some began to like a person, then go on telling her/him (if possible, school days what) what do feel. Praying at any second that the person we like will in turn reciprocate. Some unable, some will. Then, life with excitement began or some end with sour in their faces and hearts.

Well, later on, love motivates us to do many things. Some beyond understanding, some beyond normal effort. Some willing to do anything for their beloved. See how love can effect youngster.

Then when we reached certain age like hitting 20s, we then began to find a partner that really possible to be husband and wife (no, not ignoring the fact that during school days, some already thought that far), as one began to mature, most will start to be serious in their relationship. Then, another level of motivation dwell inside us, to do the best thing they could for the future.

Fast forward, until old age, sticking till then is all but because of love.

I admire that, of course. Everyone else sure hopes for the return after you invest hard on them, yes?

I'm not to talk about those lust and stuff, all those are really ingenuine. Sex is not the answer, it's a question. What we want in return is the person we can grow old together, spend time together, seeing each other the ugly side each morning, etc.

But what if someone with various reason have to let go of love of his/her lifetime? Why, right? Isn't it unwise? Why let it go? Many questions might be asked. Fair enough, the person might not want to hurt their beloved (even though, it may hurt at first, and you may not even tell the person I like you or so). There always a constant debate between my friends that should the guy go ahead tell the girl even he have various valid reasons not to do so?

They said yes. They questioned about the guy's bravery and why should he be afraid and so. Aye, I would question the guy as well, for why must he hesitates, it's so not guy thing to do. But on second thought, would it be selfish? Knowing that you may not be able to embrace the happiness with her, and nonetheless go on and take it? *this may sound familiar to some*

Not many people able to have a love life with ease. Many obstacles and many troubles, too. But, that strengthen the bond of that relationship. Yet, not everyone given the chance.

Will continue next time.

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