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Hardly had time to blog nowadays. My recent updates would be Final Mock exam is this coming Monday. And, I have classes on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday is the last day of CNY, Chap Goh Mei. See how time flies without notice. Anyhow, MOCK! How to prepare when we are busy celebrating CNY! Oh well.

Just yesterday, my 3 college mates came over to my house (yes, Rawang, they used KTM, too). Wai Keng, Cathy and Siao Ying make efforts to come all the way to my house (just to taste my curry) to bai nian or CNY house visit. I glad they came and sorry to troubled them because it a really hot day plus we have night class as well.

I made curry for them as promised. I can't help but being a bit fussy over the preparation and so on.

Chicken Curry.


WK's super jab!

WK and SY

WK and Cat

The free massage.

This was one of the hilarous part when we were about to take the picture Wk yelled something which makes us all burst with laughter. Me and Wk suppose to be 'shocked' to see the girls strangling each other!

Group picture.

Me and Wk

Me and SY

Formal Group Picture.

You guys should know :D

Emo but Cat...

Bullying. Boys and Girls, don't try this at home!

Ai Mei

Before we leave for college. Lucky is in the picture, too.

Based on SY's request, we went to the lake nearby my house. It was SO HOT.

We were just tired. Super tired. It's amazing that we can endure for the night class. Haha Well, guys next time you come, I hope we can spend more time and play more fun activities than just playin cards. Oh, remember to....at the lake again.

And again, thanks for coming guys! :D

So, gotta go. Since the weather is so hot, drink more water and take more fruits. I will update soon!

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