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Reason to LIKE a women.

Ms. Hana sent me an amazing email.

1) You can feel her CARE in form of a sister

2) You can feel her WARMTH in form of a friend

3) You can feel her PASSION in form of a beloved

4) You can feel her DEDICATION in form of wife

5) You can feel her DIVINITY in form of mother

6) You can feel her BLESSING in form of grandmother

7) Her heart is so tender

8) So Naughty

9) So Charming

10) So sharing

11) So Melodious

12) She is a woman

13) She is life.


I hope to provide with pictures but, naw, see ya!

1 what is your thought?:

☆ Dear Diary AiYa☆ said...

yeay! i'm so lucky cos i'm a girl+lady+women+sister+friend+daughter...:):):)


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