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When it rains...

Oh, it just remind me of Paramore' song. But it actually suited the purpose of the day because it rained. When it rains, it pacifies your soul. Or rather calm you down a bit if you enrich yourself with the raindrops.

Anyway, gonna skip mock! Heck. This is so un-me. This had been the first time I skipped mock exam (though it's not happened yet, but the mind proved the offence), seems like I'm acting all kid and dare not to retribute what I had done. I gotta admit my mistake and mustn't run away from probem. A man of a virtue would face it and change things. I'm learning.

I hate to drag things but this gonna serve as reminded.

CNY had officially over. I wonder if many girls will throw mandarins and boys will go and collect it. Not like it matter much to me but their efforts shouldn't be undermine, as you gotta build a bridge to your love one.

Oh, time to go. Later guys.

When it rains,
I just want to close my eyes,
Held the head up towards the sky,
Find the sense of refreshness,
And, remain the perpetual efforts.


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