Okay, Xian really don't want to blog but Xian need to do so.
This post is dedicated for my lil sis in Philippines. She wrote this poem just for me!
Really, really touched by what she had wrote
Really appreciate it ya, CoCo!!
Millions of thank you!!
Just in case readers think she is really my sister, nope, she's unrelated. haha just became her brother and she became my sister. Thank you again Coco!
A man who is there but not in my side,
He guided me for having lost in mind
He never give up forreason that he might had,
I will never forget his words when i am sad.
He is a person that anyone be inspired of,
he is the person who knows me by the way I am.
I became a better perso when he came to my life,
And i could rather meet him and hope that day will come.
You gave me the best words that you have in your life,
I’ll always cherish those words you spend just for me,
You never took a second to help me when I’m in tough
Though we cannot see each other.
One of my sweet smile is dedicated to you,
I never thought that I’ll meet a person someone like you,
Whom I gave some of my best smile as your ariko,
Who also heal my sleepless night by having gorgeously soft pillow.
I may not be that person who will make you laugh,
But I want to be one of the reason why you survive each peak in your life,
Because you gave me hope when i’m intensely distress
And will always remember how you change my hateable life.
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