Xian would like to ask you guys that
is it really important for you to have love?
I think people can have lot of crushes but true love only comes once in a while. Do you readers agree?
So what I'm thinking is just a point of view. Xian saw many of my friends putus cinta and I'm worried as well. Cause its really painful. But Life must goes on right? hehehe
Every girls always wanted to feel secured from their boyfriends. Xian also believe that guys need the same. Whatever y'all disagreed, I don't give a damn. Xian Tian will still say guys need it as well. However, funny as it seems. This leads to jealousy! hahaha! funny!
When one meets another. You then started to 'regisiter' your interest. You do all kind of stuffs to lure his/her attention. Is obvious right? One of my friend who is very lanci(sombong lar) done all those silly and stupid things just to get the girl, who is now his girlfriend. Of course Xian are happy to see them together lar. Time against time, created love. What I mean is love need time. Xian do not believe in love in a first sight (there again, is not subjected to y'all to agree). Cause I believe feeling is the most important thing. Love in a first sight is just an interest or a crush. How can one suddenly in love with somebody if you meet him/her for the very first time? Amazing.
There is secret love, too. You like somebody but you hide yourself under the tree hoho
Curi-curi de ai is very hard o. You do not know his/her feeling to you yet you need to pretend there nothing there. So brace yourself and tell him/her! lol
No matter what is the outcome, you had tried your best. No need to be regret. In fact you will be relieve. All those stupid feelings hide under your heart will burst if you don't let them know.
Is amazing at times, like what my friend told me, when you looking for one, you cannot see it, when it appears, you didn't notice! I believe its true, though. Xian Tian actually never notice this girl before. In fact Xian actually interested with another girl. Slowy, Xian didn't know either how XIAN started to develop some feelings to this girl. hahaha really funny. I finally let her know how I feel. Even thought we are not something more than just a friend. Xian wish her well. We are always will be friends.
Well, the reason for me to babble here is because of my dear friends who get upset over the broke up. I felt funny when they said they want to threaten themself to die. I think is a foolish act. Dumb. But Xian do think the guys are stupid, too. When a girl said she give everything for you, that's the girl you should treassure it. Funny lar. Love sometimes ruin ur freakin' life away.
Better watch out.
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