Okay, the wait is over. (but I'm willing to wait longer)
Tomorrow...Tomorrow A-levels result is coming out.
Since I did one half of of it....My pre-law.....I will only get to know my one half result.
I will be either counting the time, every minutes, every seconds....every hours (which indicating I won't sleep tonight, perhaps) or.....die of thinking of it....
No, I'm trying not to be funny here... I bloody worried...
My friends said don't worry, don't worry....
I know they have great hearts....but you see, sendiri tau sendiri punya masalah (you, yourself know your own problem)
I'm seriously worried about.
And Chinese New Year is just few days away...
can you imagine....
Your neighbour...your uncle....your aunty....whoever....ask about your result??
and is like, during CNY...where is the time you should smile eventhough your ang pao is just RM 1. (by the way, I'd seen people giving ang pao with 5o cent coin.....)
Well, the first thing is, you going to face is when your result is out is your lecturers/professors/teacher...They ask you. and then that...and then....is history....
Then later own, your friends will be there asking about it....I'm skipping this part....
When you get home....ha.ha.ha. the 'best' part follows....you need to explain to your mum and dad...They will seal your life away. New rules....Or maybe some party (since CNY is there for you)
Actually, I don't know why I will talking about this.
Such misery does not suits to be here.
But I may need a tranquiliser for myself to sleep.
May God and Goddess bless us all.
Good luck everybody.
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