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Result day

I'm clearly dissappointed.



Well, is true that I have high expectation.

But everyone was like saying its good and stuff...

I feel like huh...like that is good??

Then to those who scored 2 A's or straight A's is what? Genius??

Basically, my dad was upset (but he didn't show it)

My mum also same. My dad particularly told my mum how *** am I in a private conversation.

Is true. I admit. Is my wrong.

I'm lazy, I know.

Instead of studying...I go...online...play games....do my work in KL....

So now, I'm here babbling around like a small kid.

I deliberately...wouldn't want to....to mention how sad am I....

I'm almost, almost....freaked out inside the train (where the passengers really did look at me with some strange look.......and my eyes...was a bit...watery....(not tearssssss). Screamed around.

And I still feel like wanna kill some people.

While, some other people will be celebrating happily with their result...I don't have the mood for Chinese New Year (but I do looking forward to receive ang pao(s); only if people don't ask my result, make my day, people.)

I...actually feel kinda...ashamed...

I bear the name of.... by my mentors....

My mum eventually lectured me...

Actually, I feel guilty. I mean....only son in this family...they will rely on me more.

I rather let them scold me hard, hard.


I don't actually shows my emotion...but when it comes to this...I'm very feeling.

weird man...

here's some rules imposed to me.

No more being a lazy arse.

Enough of showbiz.

No more frequent online.

No more lovey dovey thingie.

Try to avoid calls and sms.

No more late night sleep.

No more sweets (wait a minute....it sounds like what had imposed by Vincent!!)

Anyhow, I actually need sweets to study. :)

Well, enough is enough.

Most important of all.


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