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Random feelings.

In this world, there's so many kinds of human living around. Revolving around us.

I feel funny at times that human beings are insensitive.

They offend other people. Then they give reason or preferable to blaming on other things.




Use thousand of reasons.

Whether is true or not, you just using it as your reason.

I'd love to let people out there to know. If your mood is bad or whatever, don't offend other people or let out your anger to other people. It's stupid. You there, having bad mood, when people ask you, you don't want to tell, then just walk away instead of yelling or saying idiotic words.

If you feel sad, then go ahead and tell other people about it.

You have no reason to scold, insult, or do whatever even your mood is sad unless you're a king or queen otherwise, you don't have the liberty to do so.


I don't know why am I writing this.

Today is a strange day.

I felt tired and there is a strange feeling.

I have no idea what's the cause.

0 what is your thought?:


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