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Great, I knew I can't wait for one week, so I'm back, as I had mentioned before, 3 days.

Ahh! Tomorrow is mum's birthday!! 29-1-2009. Happy Birthday MUM!! I love you. And thanks for your loving me and cared for me for 19 years!! Thank You!!!!! ( I will talk about you, mum, tomorrow, promise!)

And I was tagged both by Sylvea and Lily. Thank God both are same tags, otherwise I have to DO four.

Well, I will answer all the tags' question as to 'honour' the deal between them.

Ah, I believe many, many people received ang paos!!

Ahh! Tomorrow is mum's birthday!! 29-1-2009. Happy Birthday MUM!! I love you. And thanks for your loving and cared for me for 19 years!! Thank You!!!!!

So, what you guys plan to do use the money? Spend it wisely by the way. Or you can save your money, I'm not sure with the bank interest, but....it could be lower rates. Depends on our economics. Hope Malaysia really boleh (survive) and no more another '97, repeating itself again.

And, here's the tags.

1. Chocolate coated durian or durian flavoured chocolate?
durian flavoured choco? Does it ever exists? Well, chocolate minus the durian.

2. How many grandkids do you wish to have?
Grandkids? Basically, is not my field to decide.

3. Would you forgive someone who have stolen your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Well, no one did that before, but I think I won't.

4. Imagine you're trying to commit suicide.You slit you wrist and blood starts oozing out.Suddenly you realize that you don't wish to die.Not yet anyway.Who would you call for help?And why?
Call the police and say the neighbour try to kill you. What? To avoid trouble. Is a crime for committing suicide.

5. 90210 or Heroes?
Ha.ha I don't watch these drama series. Sorry.

6. You've been bullied and now,there's a chance for revenge?Would you take it?
Revenge is the sweetest thing.

7. Are you jealous freak?
50% I believe.

8. A guy/girl is checking you out in the bar.Would you buy him/her a drink?
Ha.ha. Checking on me? ha.ha Then no.

9. Describe yourself in ten words.
I'm...18 year old and was blessed with a great mum....the rest is none of your business.

10. The craziest thing you've ever done?
Do you think I will tell you?

11. Name a country you really wish to visit?
Italy. (Surprisingly, Lily shares the same thing) Well, Japan. Hong Kong...UK...America.

12. [Answer this only if you're a dude]-A not-so-attractive girl drops her phone and it lands in front of you.Would you pick it up for her?
Why not?
[Answer this if you're a girl]-A-not-so-attractive boy is caught staring at you.How would you react?
Not-so-attractive boy?

13. Work hard or play less
Unable to answer.

14. Name one thing that you've really proud of your own country and whyyyy
Malaysia....hmm....Food. And for Pete's sake is food, do you need reason?

15. You bump into your ex (whom you're still in love with) holding his /her boyfriend/girlfriend's hand.How would you react?
WOW and freeze up.

16. Assuming that you can't stand smoking people.Would you date a smoker?
I give NO chance.

17. Three qualities your boyfriend/girlfriend has to have and why?
Great not again....Caring. Love. Not a selfish person.

18. Are you secretly bored with this survey?
Sylvea...I see you in court.

19. You recently got back in touch with the boy/girl you used to have crush on.Would the old feeling return?
Hmm....history is history. At times it happens. but I don't give give chance to former lover.

20. What's your favourite colour?

21. Your boyfriend/girlfriend of only two months claims to be facing some financial difficulties.Would you offer your help in terms of financial support?
ha.ha. Two months ask for money, one year ask for what? Then again, is subjective matter. I think it depends on how much I love her but....Two months...you can't say that is LOVE.

22. Would you do anything for your other half?

23. Eat to live or live to eat?
Eat to live.

24. Rich or poor?

25. You're having McD.A beggar suddenly comes in and grabs some fries from your tray before shoving them into your mouth.Would you be annoyed or afraid?
Of course I will be annoyed. But, I would want to retrieve back, so just let it be. After all, they need it badly that's why they do that.

26. Do you allow yourself to make mistakes?
I'd like to say NO. Although is unavoidable, but I will try.

27. Your own best friend secretly let out your biggest secret,which you only find out three years later.How would you feel about that?
Oh my Gosh. But I don't even tell secrets to others. So, what to worried?

27. Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend just got home from abroad and is begging for a second chance.At the same time,you're seeing someone else.You realize that you still have something for your ex.Would you dump the current one for him/her?
I don't give chance to ex-lovers or former pursuits

28. Have you ever have feeling for more than one person at the same time?
Not really.

29. Do you think you're abnormal sometimes?
All the time I think.

30. What do you think of people who backstab?
Well, they are people who are jealous on others. I do admire those people but then suck it 'X'.

31. How easy it is for you to express how you feel?
I don't really know.

32. Think you're cool?
I'm not sure.

33. Have you ever tried really hard to fit into your social group?
Ha.ha Once I can't fit in, I won't try.

34. One thing you've always wanted to try
Killing. Naw, learn something that had been forgotten by time.

35. Should marriage be kept only for the sake of the children?
I think I would. Not just for the kids, is about my own principle. Marriage is for once and life time.

36. All your friends have totally different taste from you.Do you feel left out?

37. Think life is hard?
If you think is hard then don't live.

38. Or perhaps unfair?
Is unfair all the time.

39. Is PMS an excuse or a solid reason?
50-50. Perhaps is unreasonable (if you murdered someone, and you say PMS as reason? Better go fly kites)

40. How much do you expect from your parents?

41. Do you think your parents are cool enough?
My mum? Yes.

42. Both you parents fell into the sea.To make things worse,they do not swim.Whose life would you save first?
I can't swim.

43. Do you think it's alright to be selfish?

44. What do you think of gentlemen?
A man with great manners who will uses his brain.

45. Ocean or jungle?

46. How healthy do you think you are?
I'm not sure.

47. It's V day and your other half couldn't celebrate it with you.Your ex offers to accompany you,would you accept it?
Save trouble. Say no.

48. Do you think love is there to stay?
You know what I don't believe in long distance relationship cause love won't stays/ And it happened all the times (my friends as evidence)

49. Is premarital sex okay for you?

50. Would you change yourself completely in order to satisfy your other half?
(Sylvea!!!! Why you have all sort of lovey dovey questions???) Dependssss.

51. How do you see yourself 30 years from now?
I will be in 49 years old in this human form.

52. Pilot or air-hostess?

53. Are you a racist?
Don't know.

54. Is it alright for you to share food,using the same piece of cutlery?
I don't like sharing. Sharing is NOT caring. You share your wife/husband, can?

55. Ice-cream in cone or cup?
Hmm....not fussy.

56. You have the opportunity to do something you really like and you're getting paid for that too.The condition is that you will have to leave everything behind and move to another country nobody has really heard of.Would you take it?
What? They give me a million pound is it?

57. Chinese or western?

58. How brand conscious are you?

59. One foreign language you really wish to learn?

60. Do you binge or starve when you're upset?

61. [For guys only]-Lean or voluptuous?
[For girls only]-Face or body?


62. How well do you think you know yourself?
I'm not clear with myself.

63. Do you agree that we can always find hidden beauty in something ugly?

64. Do you go around telling people it's your birthday?

65. DO IT!
Sylvea....so much of work.....THANKS TO YOU. NO MORE SWEETS FOR YA.

Tag No.2.


1. Slept in your bed besides you?
My bolster?

2. Saw you cry

3. Went to the movies with you?

4. You went to the mall with?

5. You went to dinner with?

6. You talked on the phone?

7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?

8. Broke your heart?
Of course.

9. Made you laugh?
Real laughter? or fake? If fake then, everyone.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
I won't.

2. Be serious or be funny?

3. Drink whole or skim milk?


4. Die in a fire or drown?
Not a great way to die.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parents. Enemies? If I want to take revenge then I will.


1. Simple or complicated?
I'm not simple.

2. Gay?
Siao (crazy)?

3. Hardcore?

Hardcore in what sense?


1. Flowers or candy?

2. Gray or black?

3. Color or Black and white photos?

4. Lust or love?

5. Sunrise or sunset?

6. M&Ms or Skittles?

8. Staying up late or waking up early?
Staying up late.


1. Do you like anyone?
I think so, But feelings is not really there.

2. Do they know it?


1. Sun or moon?

2. Winter or Fall?

3. Left or right?

4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?

There is a saying that 3 close friends are more reliable than 10 friends even the number is big.

5. Sun or rain?

6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
Chocolatey ice cream. Crazy for ice-cream.

7. Vodka or Jack?
Vodlka. But I prefer Martini.


1. What time is it?
12.03 am...HELL...two tags.....

2. Name?

3. Nickname(s):

4. Where were you born?

5. What is your birthdate?
5th Dec.

6. What do you want?

7. Where do you want to live?
Singapore. Japan.

8. How many kids do you want?
Two is ideal for me.

9. What would you want to name a girl?
Girlish yet elegant name, of course.

10. What would you want to name a boy?
A cool and manly.

11. You want to get married?
Ya. Or maybe not.


1. Nervous Habits:
I use my thumb and wipe my mouth.

2. Are you double jointed?

3. Can you roll your tongue?

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?

5. Can you cross your eyes?

6. Do you make your bed daily?

8. Which shoe goes on first?
huh? Left leg first! I guess.

9. Ever thrown one at someone?
say what?

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?
50 bucks. I won't feel safe if I don't have more than 50 bucks.

11. What jewelry do you wear?

Why there are so many questions???


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

2. Have you ever eaten Spam?
What is that?

3. Favorite ice cream:

4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?
No more.

5. What's your favorite beverage?

7. Do you cook?
Yes I do.


1. Had a b/f or g/f?

2. Bought something you didn't need:

4. Sang in front of people:

5. Been kissed:

6. Been hugged:

7. Felt stupid:

8. Missed someone:

9. Got drunk:

10. Got high:

11. Danced Crazy:

12. Gotten your hair cut:

13. Cried:

14. Lied:




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