My all time fave artist will be GACKT!!!! Gackt is a mysterious person. He's Japanese singer. All time best rock singer to everyone and my, of course.. His age is unknown. Most likely to be around 30s since his debut was around 10+ ago. He sings not only in Japanese, but also in English, Mandarin and Korean.
Dear readers will see him in a Hollywood film this year. The movie's title is Bunraku. So you guys better check it out!

And lately, I'd been into an American rock band.
Wahsey, the songs are great. EMOTIONAL (not EMO, got feeling okay?) , MEANINGFUL and ROCK!
But not everyone know about this band (wtf?) Well, no doubt that this band will get better and better and better!!!! Nya ha ha ha ha!
So behold readers, this is Paramore.

hey, I like this lead singer. The girl lar I mean, she's the lead singer of the band and she really rocks (and she's cute, let's go out on a date or two!!! )!!!!! I mean what she sings is really clean and clear compare to others. And she's just 20!!! Just two years different!! What the fun!!! I'm a soft rock singer but hell, this is where I'm!! Well, I like this kind of rock songs. Personally, I don't like those artist who shouts and screams (Seriously, just that my taste is different, you have yours, I have mine.) I just can't enjoy. Well, to be frank their some Hardcore Rock artist that I really do like.
Okay, one of my new year resolution is to be like this. If I could have this body, then, wala, is enough already. Big biceps, chest muscle and abs! Hell, I'm trying hard to workout thank to DANIEL CRAIG. Nya ha ha ha.

first time for me to talk about this huh?
Oh well, later.
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