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Booyaka, Booyaka!!

Is 2009 people!!
Let's welcome it with open arms!!!!

A new day.
A new year.
A new time.
A new Generation.
A new Era.
A Birth.

1 January 2009 means our life had began a whole new chapter.

I believe some people still finding it hard to , for example, next year 2009 I will do this, do that. Cause, we just celebrated 2009.

Well, this year somehow, try to improve yourself. To be a better one than last year.

Try new things that you never try before.

Do something new.

See something new.

Do whatever you like.

Just that don't give up on everything you try to do. Okay readers?

Quote to ponder of.

"As long as you never give up, the opportunities will arise"

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