This is bloodly long.....well, I'm sick, and can't do
1) Name
2) Male/Female
I'm a male. Some say I'm pretty....So, I'm a she-male?
3) Were you named after anyone?
Julius Ceasar. What? My full name? I'm not going to tell you guys.
4) Does your name mean anything?
Julius means.....
5) Nick Name(s)
Tooooooo many to mention in here. Childhood friends call me Fa Chak Rui. Japanese name is Tokiya. Mentor calls me, Light/Lucian/Lucien. And many more...
6) What do you think you look like name wise?
7) Date Of Birth
5th December
8) Place of Birth and Current Location
Subang, I think....Rawang..
9) Nationality
Malaysia Boleh..
10) Astrology Sign
11) Chinese Astrology Sign
12) Religion
I'm a Buddhism
13) What’s your favorite smell
14) Political Position
I'm a student...
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Plain water
16) Hair + Eye colour?
Black...Brown with blue rings
17) Do you look like anyone famous?
I'm as my own.
18) What do you look like?
19) Any unusual talents?
Abililty to....
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?
Ambidextrous. I can use both hands :) But not good in writing with both hands..
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?
Bloody hell, I'm straight!
22) What do you do for a living?
you mean now? I'm....a part time....
23) What do you do for fun?
Play games? No? Then how about chopping people into half? That's fun.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?
I don't like doing arts. But I admire arts.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?
Music? Yea.
26) Have you met your grandparents?
except my maternal grandparents.
27) Boyfriend /Girlfriend?
Being a Boyfriend lar.
28) Crush?
ha.ha.ha * swiftly run away*
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?
There's this...and there's that....Maybe I want to date....Undecided.
30) Current worries?
My A2 syllabus. Absent from two days of college-ing some more. Danggggg.
31) Favorite online Guy/Girl:
None. But Sylvea is fun to chat with. She's like to create some drama and I usually tag along. ha.ha
32) Favorite place to be?
MPH? Borders? I can spend hours over there.
33) Least favorite place to be?
Erm......sun....I dislike hot places especially under the sun.
34) Do you burn or tan?
I'm tan.
35) Ever break a bone?
You mean, I break people's bones or my own? Well, neither.
36) What is your favorite cereal?
Hmm.....honey star....and the chocolate....I forgot the name XD
37) Person you cry with
I never cry in front of people. Sheeeshh, it won't happens anyway.
38) Any sisters
39) Any brothers
40) Any pets
A poodle, his name is Lucky. Many people think he is....a sheep....
41) An illness
Yea....I do have..
42) A Pager
Still exist ar?
43) A Personal phone line
ha.ha.ha I do have one.
44) A cell phone
45) A visible birthmark
46) A Pool or hot tub
As I said, I don't like being in hot you know the answer.
47) A Car
NONE. hell...I don't even have my driving license....
Describe Your :
48) Personality
Is for you to find out.
49) Driving
I can drive illegaly. But sit in my (dad's) car at your own risk...
50) Your clothing style
51) Room
The room is kinda lacking of space....
52) What’s missing
My energy...I'm too tired and weak with the food poisoning.
53) School
College you mean? A place you gotta study lar.
54) Bed
A comfortable place to sleep.
55) Relationship with your parents?
Do you :
56) Believe in yourself
Obviously I do. BUt at times....I...
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don't. Is a lie.
58) Consider yourself a good listener
I think so.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?
Too many describe in here.
60) Get Along with your parents
I do.
61) Save your e-mail conversations
Yep. but I normally delete it. ha.ha.ha No point saving it...
62) Pray
63) Believe in reincarnation
I think I do, but no evidences right? So I wanna find out whether is real or not!
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?
Who won't???
65) Like to talk on the phone?
Nope...Is complete waste of time. Time is precious. I got many, many better things to do.
66) Like to eat?
huiyo....I love to eat, not like to eat. haha
67) Like to exercise?
Basketball!! But I didn't play like for ages. And yes, I do like to exercise. LOL Wanna have a great body like Daniel Craig XD
68) Like to watch sports?
No. Is boring. I tend to be drowsy from watching the boresome football (soccer) match. I can
understand people can stay up whole night watching it. Well, unless is on finals. Otherwise I will be sleeping on my chair.
69) Sing in the car?
ha.ha yes, yes I do. To kill time.
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?
I rarely dreams....eventhough I do....I can't remember. But day dreaming is completely different. Dream about what will I be and do.
71) Dream in color?
72) Do you have nightmares?
Ya. but....quite long, long time ago. Don't know when.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal
I'm guy here.
What is;
74) Next to you
My phone and Clorets.
75) On your favorite coffee cup?
I don't have favourite coffee cup.
76) On your mouse pad
I'm using a lappy. Don't have to use mouse pad.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum?
Lemon. I like sour taste.
78) Favorite deodorant?
I don't use deodorant.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot:
ITALY!!! Can get marry over there is a fantasy! Well, unless I become a millionaire before
reaching 30, nothing can stop me from flying over Italy.
80) Your dream husband/wife
I need a caring wife. Understanding person. Smart woman. A lady-like.
81) Hiding in your closet?
Guns. My samurai sword. Bombs. Do I need to be in detail? Shirts and pants lar! But my katana is really inside my wardrobe.
82) Under your bed
Dirt, obviously.
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?
84) Your bad time of the day
Morning, morning. Waking up morning, morning is.... And I don't like daylight actually.
85) Your worst fear(s)
Lossing somebody....
86) What’s the weather like
87) Your favorite time of year?
December. Cause is winter season...not that Malaysia will covered up by snow. But I just like
snowing. Thus winter.
88) Your favorite holiday?
CNY! Ang pao!! Come, come, come! Maybe December. In the end of the year.
89) A material weakness?
Material weakness?? Books! Money!!
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like:
Hmm....I don't think I tried those weird, weird stuff before.
91) At the top of your “to-do list”?
92) The hardest thing about growing up
Bearing more responsibility. And you can't get sick. Cause you will losssssst many things in
one day. And you ....Getting older and older and older year by year.
93) A pet peeve?
hmm....there's one.....unable to be flawless. Then I will start to be annoyed.
94) Your scariest moment
Hmm....I think i don't have. Exciting moments got lar.
95) Your attitude about love?
i'm a serious person.
96) The most outrageous, desperate thing you’ve done to attract the attention of the opposite sex?
Eh....I don't really do anything to attract attention. I don't need to. Unless dressing up wisely is a way to do so.
97) The worst feeling in the world
You want to vomit....That kind of feeling is horrible....
98) The best feeling in the world
It's a subjective question. I don't know how to answer.
99) Who sent this to you?
100)Tag more people?
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