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The very artistic me continues. haha

To be frank, I got this picture few years ago. I don't remember where. I think it was at Penang. Me and my family visited a temple then, before we leave, we saw that doggie sitting like that, mum said it was unique, so I snapped. haha

Well, I don't think is outlandish kind of photo but it's quite nice, right??

Anyway, this few weeks, I'm not so productive (eh, watch that, i mean in term of studying). Let's not talk about this. This is not good.

Exam is just around the corner (28th of May). Let's do well people.

Oh, I found something interestinf while I glance through my friend's blog. There was girl, who cut herself on the wrist and fingers and can actually take pictures of it. Astounding, right? (if you think I'm faking it, then please go to my friend's blog, check Powie or Abalone)
Well, the girl wanna show it to her ex-bf (I think, ain't sure), then, it's totally....Well, save those for later. One more thing, she even formed a group in friendster. Hurray for them.

Oh, one more thing, do you guys prepared for Mother's day? Did you remember there's Mother's day (trust me, there were a few people who don't remember when, Sylvea, to name one haha)I'm wondering what should I get for my mum. Perfume? hmm, we shall see. haha!

I'm off for two days. There's some unsettled businesses that I need to attend. So, guys, won't see me for tomorrow and Thursday. Any problem, sms me then and no calls.


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