Hey there, guys.
Nowadays, quite busy and tired. Not just because of studies but of course something else. So much of things happened lately, from the crazy lil kids to the reunion. And yes, reunion. Gathered up, and we went to somewhere. Those are my old friends from Japan and few other places.
The reunion...is the one that I wouldn't want to go. It remind me of something that happened few years back. I couldn't forget that. And is the same thing like I couldn't forget the man.
One of my friends gave me the letter from my 3rd mentor. I really wanna see him again. But, how could I actually fly over to Japan for now? So, please come and see me at Malaysia!
Oh ya, first of all, Najib had become our 6th prime minister. I know is pretty out of date for me to talk about it now. But we should watch and see how he's gonna handle in future. Well, the new ministers had been set up. It seems fair to me. But our former Education Minster had became the Home Office head. I don't want to comment much about this. He might have a higher prospect in future.
Finally, revision classes had ended. Now, no more extra class to attend except Friday's law class. Had more time to study and do my work!!! WEE! I hope to have a better night sleep. Actually, i still can't sleep well, after the robbery incident happened few days ago around my house. Is really scary. And although not much of evidence, but my dog save the day! haha This week certainly not a great week either. I had been suffered some gastric problem again! urgh....what a week.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
2 days ago
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