Today, after class, straight away went for Cheras, for Ching Ming. Suppose to visit my grandparents on next week.
After that went to mid valley, thus I saw something interesting, the picture! Quite real don't you think?? Well, except those things near the model. Seriously, I'm curious about Whale. It said that, this type of whale need to eat about 500 shrimps a day. 500 or 5000? I don't remember, but that is amazing!!!! Imagine yourself eating not even 50 shrimps, it's enough to make u bloat. Prove it to me, if you can.

Taaaadaaaah, the Malaysia's very own, Mirror Lake!
Ahh, I love this picture, I took this picture near my house few weeks ago. Seriously, although the water is urm...a bit...polluted...and how can the fish survived, we can see the reflection (thanks to the pollution, I guess) Currently, I couldn't visit the lake, they put a warning sign saying they will tembak (shoot) whoever trespass the area (Haha! Happy Belated April Fool, but it'd really warned people not to step onto the ground, otherwise, Who knows, they might just as well shoot you.) Ahh, talking about shooting. There's a condom I saw at some book store, named Shooting. I should had just take the picture of the product, it's hilarious. Trust me.
And Ayush, update you blog, for anyone who reads your blog sake.
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