Hahaha I get bored with the old layout, so I changed it, again.
Well, I think readers will also be the same, seeing the same old layout which is boring.
Glance thru some interesting layout, but in the end, I had choose a simple and brighter layout. Kinda bored with all the same dark feeling. At least I tried something new now.
Okay, I was sms-ing with a girl, she's a smart girl. She's quite the 'I'm not the same as how I look' kind of girl. When you see her, you know why, a nerdy look kind and very thin girls. But actually she's more than that, okay guys, don't get the wrong impression here.
Just trying to tell you guys that, at sometimes, is better not to judge someone by his/her look. (duh, we all know about that, don't judge the book by it's cover). People are different, the at times do things unexpected which either make you happy or upset.
Then again, of course we look at the cover first right?
okay, cut the crap.
Lately, I'm having this serious problem, Insomnia. I was freaking sleepy last night, and decided to hit the bed early. Thennnn, problem starting la, first couldn't sleep, I don't know why, perhaps, oh well. The best of all, I couldn't breathe. Having nose blocked completely. Great huh? So by midnight, I went down the hall, and switch on the tv, Lucky thought was there, sitting beside me and sleep. Yes, dogs normally sleep all the time, and is midnight fellas, he's gotta rest, but he put his head on top of my stomach. Well, very manja kind, you see.
So, by the 1 something I decided to give a try, and SLEEP. BUT COULDN'T.
Can I just go out and blast some shop? I'm getting this weird problem almost every night. Weird fella, I know.
Oh well, later guys.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
2 days ago
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