Ever since the gig, I didn't contact with Vincent, while today, he called me, he is offering me a job after my exam is over. Well, he said he got some events coming up, and might as well need few other people to help out. Well, I didn't agree at the first place, of course. Actually, he offered me two jobs at one go. To write a lyric for some underground band (by the way, for me to say underground band, is it legal in Malaysia? There was a blogger just sent to prison or....ISA, I think).
Anyway, the theme is a love song. the band is not the rock band, if I'm not mistaken, is a Pop-R&B band. Well, not too bad, but I'm actually had to write the song in Cantonese in which I never tried before, sounds challenging, so, I accepted.
As for the other, I didn't train my vocal for quite sometimes, let see what I think in future. I'm actually excited to write a Cantonese lyric, and he said if taken, I can compose the song myself which is also a rare occasion for me. Just hope I can write a decent lyric.
Now everyday is such a hot day, so readers remember to drink plenty of water, make sure you guys rest well.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 days ago
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