As you can see on your left side, there is a banner from WWF organisation and I had signed up to “Egg=Life” campaign which their main intention is to improve the protection of turtles in Malaysia.
The campaign kicked off since the Earth Day (22nd April 2009) and will end on 30th September 2009. Generally, we are hoping that we will have about 40000 member of the public to sign up. The current number of members who had pledge is about 2000 plus. Of course it will be better if we could gain more than 40000 members, so do join the campaign now!
So to those who might want to sign in, they need to pledge to:
* support laws that will ban the sale and consumption of all turtle eggs throughout Malaysia
* support the call for comprehensive and holistic Federal legislation to conserve marine turtles
* Never consume turtle eggs, or trade in turtles or their parts
I'm sure readers will manage to uphold themselves, aye? The three things are very simple to carry out, don't do things that is lacking of common humanity ground. In clear-cut meaning is, just don't do things that is wrong and harmful in nature.
Here we need to know how important that is the turtle to remain protected. As we aware, many people are willing to buy the turtle eggs and consume it. Can you imagine that, the rate of survivor of just newly hatched turtles is pretty low, and thanks to inconsiderate people, the eggs is being reduced notably and directly endangering the survivor of this unique species.
WWF-Malaysia Executive Director/CEO Dato’ Dr Dionysius Sharma commented during the launch of this campaign, “Turtles play a critical role in keeping marine ecosystems healthy; the same ecosystems which sustain our fisheries and tourism industries that provide food and livelihoods for millions of people".
I had done some research from the past, in Baja (Mexico) alone, it was estimated that about 35000 turtles had been killed, with great thanks to the poachers who speared, harvest and caught by hand, ANNUALLY. The article even mentioned how the poacher slaughtered the turtle, firstly by knocking the turtle on the head then butchered it and sent it to restaurant. This is simply unacceptable.
So friends out there, if you are reading this, I hope you guys are taking action do, to the public, I hope this will really alert you guys and try to do your part and visit the website, just click on the banner. It will only take a matter of seconds.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 days ago
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