After for few days of absent, I don’t whether you guys miss me or not, but I sure do miss blogging. For few days, lots of things cropped out, some were good, and some were the opposite. Naturally, I missed something that is last week on Tuesday, was not only Sue Peng’s birthday but it was also my parents wedding anniversary. So, I’m here congratulating them (yeah, kind of late, sorry folks). I don’t really remember how many years, but it doesn’t matter.
Last Wednesday, some friends asking me what happened with me, well some might be aware that I didn’t sleep like the whole night. Yeah, I didn’t sleep for like until 4.30+ or almost 5am. The rationale behind this was, my parents fetched me off home to celebrate their Belated Anniversary (Yes, they have a belated dinner, thanks to me). Then later on, something occurred but I’m not going to disclose it here. It’d bothered me like the whole night, thinking of what ‘IF’ that and this. I got myself too worried; I headed to the hall and watch some late night programs. Soon, I went on online till 4 something, finally I found myself in a better, peaceful mind (I’m sleepy, that’s why). So friends, no worries, already had passed, okay?
Well, one day latter, I found myself sick, feeling very tired for 3 days. Essentially, I thought I needed to look for a doctor, but after a goodnight sleep, the next morning (on Sunday), I’m alright again. I don’t know what caused me to feel like this, is strange.
Okay, the news on Saturday mentioned on Star’s headline, Malaysia’s first case of H15N, wow, so although, the fly is from brought from outside (at least is not naturally, somebody got it, and his friend also infected), it is really scary to go outside now. I had been requesting to buy the mask for standing by, but I haven’t got it yet though. Well, measures had been made but I don’t think this is enough. Prevention is clearly an important factor, we couldn’t contemplate when the illness will attack us (as you can see the outbreak can easily infecting people by spreading) One more thing, if you find your family, friends or anyone you know who having the symptom, make a swift decision, ask him or her to check on the doctor and not to forget, if the person is close to you, you might have gotten the virus (you can see how fast the virus spread right?), so be sure, quick and take action.
Actually the weather is not helping either, these virus loves humid and not to cold temperature. We already know nowadays how hot it was, and almost every single day without raining. I’m not saying about the nature causing the problem but ever thought that the rising global warming is part of our contribution? How we caused it, everybody knows but do people take action? The answer is NO. Most of destruction are formed because of our deeds, yet people did not do things necessarily.
Most of us, pleading to people to help, to care about the world’s recent omission (example, the ‘EGG=Life’ campaign or the Earth Hour or the charity function), people ought to ignore by giving excuses. This really sadden me, why do some people acted so selfishly? This world is not for yourself, is for all of us, appreciate the Mother Nature, people!
I think this is my longest post yet, oh well, take care people. Be sure drinking plenty of water.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 days ago
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