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Just a quickie.

Stole it from Sylvea.

Three names I go by

Three jobs I have had in my life
-Secret (I think most of my friends should know)
-Full tome student
-Full time son.

Three places I have lived
-Kuala Lumpur

Three TV shows that I watch
-The Nanny
-Wipeout, I think or maybe CSI.

Three places I have been (today)
-Giant Complex

Three places I want to go

(oh yes, you're so lucky Sylvea going the places you wanted to go XD)

Three of my favourite food
-Japanese Sashimi.
-Grilled Chicken Chop
-Abalone (no, Powie, not you)

Things I'm looking forward to
-Holiday, can't wait for it
-Turning 21. (Sylvea, I'm sure you will get married by 20 trust me XP)

Three pets that you have owned
-Lucky, my adoreable and obedient poodle.

Three friends who will reply (reply what? this tag?)

Three fave bands/singers
-GACKT. (My favourite of all)
-Jay Chou. (Sorry Jackie, I prefer Jay than Lee Hom)
-Rain. (ohhh, I bring you rainsm, rainsm)

Three fave sports to watch (don't really like to watch but oh well)
-Basketball (slam dunk, count? Naw, Just joking, I'm Miami heat or Lakers

Three fave drinks
-Blue Mountain.

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