Naw, not going talk about stars, just simply put it for fun.
Nothing...nothing special nowadays...especially, since exam period, you basically can't move around and do things you prefer to do.
I recieved a call from my friend, a photographer, he invited me to join his photo session next month, well, I'm going Penang about a week after my exam is over. Is kind of hectic for me to join them after my trip is over.
I don't know, since is a holiday, I should do something to pass time but thinking of make-up and wearing contact lence for a day again is really no fun. But...see how things going.
After all, things are different now.
Oh, people starting to call me JUN instead of Jul. Wonder why people love to create nicknames. So, you wanna call me Jun, too?
Say, I might be off again for another few days, I will update as soon I got time,
as a reminder, drink plent of water, it helps, seriously and eat more vegetable.
Take care.
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
4 days ago
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