One of the current issue in Malaysia. Government plans to censor the internet.
Alright, I'm cool with the issue. But from what I read in here
The article shows that Malaysia will likely to follow the way China did, censor the internet to block 'undesirable' website. Okay I got the point. But wait there's more.
'A senior official with the National Security Council (NSC) confirmed reports that the coalition government was considering imposing controls -- effectively scrapping a 1996 guarantee that it would not censor the Internet.
"It is to keep out pornographic materials and bloggers who inflame racial sentiments. We need to maintain racial harmony. We cannot have full-blown democracy like in the United States," he told AFP.'
Okay what does keep out the pornographic materials got to do with racial harmony? I do agree with our Prime Minister that pornographic video should be banned. I actually do agree with what he said. It's true pornographic is bad, in fact it will affects the children to indulge in negative matters. This is totally clean and cut. But whether our PM's real intention, I do not know, but I do like to say porno is bad.
check the link to learn more.
But what does it gotta do with racial harmony? Don't they think this is more or less a bit of culture problem where people start surfing pornographic?
If you read further down, in the first link, it mentioned about using blogs and news to divert and makes the people to swing to opposition (it's talks about the March 8, the last election)
Man, how can by blogging and internet news report can swing everyone in this country?
And also, it mentioned about being indifferent with the USA as we cannot afford for full-blown democracy. What does this means? It's like self-direc
tly telling us we have no rights in Malaysia. Goodness, we select you people to work, not you select yourself.
Lim Kit Siang the opposition leader, describe this as Horror of Horrors and will be a social turn away. I had agree. I don't want to talk more since our PM cleary said he will only plan to curb the pornographic. We shall see in future.
Well, people like my friends and family had asked me why the heck am I commenting this and that and it sounds like I'm against the gov. I had answer, no, I'm not. I just clearly voice out what I think and I'm always in the neutral mode. I give my view based on things that seems to be... and what is good for our nation and citizen.
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