Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 17 of your friends here in facebook (or blogger :D) to answer this. Then see what happens.
if you a guy- post this as MY KIND OF GIRL.
if your a girl- post it as MY KIND OF BOY. (heh.. no.)
1.Do you need him/her to be good looking??
May not.
2. Smart?
Haha What do you think?
3. Preferred age?
No boudaries, I guess. But let's use common sense.
4. Preferred height?
Shorter than me, perhaps.
5. How about sense of humor?
Ah, I had prefer that.
6. How about piercings?
I guess girls would have one or more.
7. Accepts you for who you are?
Yea, it's hard to get right with me.
8. Pink hair?
9. Mushy or no?
Half half. I don't mind to have a gf like Sandra Bullock in The Proposal XD
10. Thin or fat?
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
White or maybe tanned.
12. Long hair or short hair?
Wouldn't care much but long hair.
13. Plastic or metal?
what is this??
14. Smells good?
Do apply common sense here.
15. Smoker?
NO WAY. A no-no.
16. Drinker?
Ah, I hope she is a strong one.
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
18. Musically inclined?
Oh extra point. haha
19. Plays piano?
Extra point.
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Doesn't matter.
21. Plays violin?
22. Sings well?
23. Vain?
Not too over.
24. With glasses?
Doesn't matter.
25. With braces?
Well, she won't have it forever right?
26. Shy type?
well, quite troublesome though.
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Can't say much.
28. Active or passive?
hmmmm half, half. She gotta know how to cool and chill.
29. Tight or bomb?
30. Singer or dancer?
SINGER!! Duet of a life time :)
31. stunner?
Well, I would prefer (otherwise, where is that fast heart beat?) but not really neccesarry.
32. Hiphop?
How about funky then?
33. Earrings?
It's fine.
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
which makes me think I would have a pass.
35. Dimples?
It's alright.
36. Bookworm?
At least we can have a fair share of selecton of books.
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Ah, cool.
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
I can't answer.
40. Poem writer?
Nice. Really.
41. Serious?
42. Campus crush?
43. Painter?
Would like to see her painting.
44. Religious?
So long it's not too over.
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
It's fun to tease each other.
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
47. Multi-lingual?
haha no need.
48. Loyal or faithful?
Alana said this is a stupid question, I'd agree.
49. Good kisser?
Half, half.
50. loves children?
Oh yea, I hope so. It's pretty important.
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