We took this picture after dinner at the KLCC's food court. The food were basically...normal... Okay let me introduce my new class mate. From the left to right, Siao Ying, Vivian, Me and Alexander Wong.

This is our group photo. All of us agreed that the person who took this picture for us is....great...
Well, We got Stephanie with her boyfriend, Jonathan. And also Kiranjit. Steph and Kiran are also my class mate. The rest you should know who's who. Oh, nice to know Jonathan, he is really friendly.

Hahaha before we got in, we took this picture as a prove, we made it to the bookfest haha. Ya, I actually proposed this idea. But it did make a great picture
Interesting eh?
Well, in the end of the day, I bought two books. I'm very satisfied, especially the discount. Last year I couldn't get any books, this time I did. It is time to save up again. Bookfest will be end by 31st of August. So to those who are wanted to go, make it quick.
By the way, The League of Volunteers for Animals and Children will officially launch by this First of September. I hope that all members are excited about this. It is thereby, such a big day for LVAC, I'm equally excited. :)
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