The sisters. Lee Wei and Jaslyn.
Single shot.
We were at the play ground. Anyway, Lee Wei and Pei Yi.
Same same. Just different picture.
Before going back to my house, we kinda walked a big circle around my area. Well, let them explore a bit since they were new here. And oh, the two sisters also joined LVAC. They are such a kind hearted person. :)
Best picture of the evening.
Group photo.
Different pose.
The funny type.
Conclusion. I enjoyed the evening. Although it was short but it's enough for me to forget something. It's a short relief but it feels good. I think my blood pressure had lowered a tiny bit.
I manage to take some pictures with Lucky before the dinner hahaha
He's looking at the camera. How cute. Ignore me in the picture, best interest still remains to Lucky!
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