It was just the typical morning I usually will have, normally waking up early in the morning to prepare myself for the college day or I will just wake up, prepare myself for the day and just read the newspaper and/or watching tv, I guess not today.
So, as usual, did all what I required this morning and went to KTM station. About 8.35 am, got there, and will walk straight away to the yellow line. (To those who use KTM as means of transportation will understand what I’m saying, otherwise, it’s the line where we passengers-gonna -be required to station until the people from the train get out.)
So, was there, and expecting the train to arrive at 8.45am, and then there was an announcement that the train will be late for 10 minutes. KTM usually like that. Then again, the delay not just because of the inefficiency but due to safety reason. And, the announcement, I truly think that this was really a fate.
Why fate?
Just few seconds after the announcement, I heard a loud bang, by the time; I moved my head to right, I SAW a woman fell over and her head knocked onto the floor. I swear she almost gonna fell over to the rail track (imagine how severe would be if she really land with her head to the stones)
That woman suffered from a fit. I’m terrified. It was my first time seeing someone having a seizure.
The scene is still vivid in my mind.
When I saw that woman’s face, I was literally stunted. I’m so shocked.
Today, I would say that it’s an important event.
It makes me realise that as helpless as we could be, we ought to live as happily as possible. We do not know what will happen in the future.
And also, I want people to know that, besides concerned about yourself; you have to care about others especially the person you really care. You will not regret if you give yourself extra cautious about every small bit of information regarding the person you care. It saves life. And, trust me, it will help.
Bagan should lead the global way
Twenty-nine years ago, in September 1995, the voters of Bagan saved the DAP
and democracy in Malaysia after the DAP suffered its worst electoral defeat
in ...
1 month ago
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