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Sunday morning, smell fresh and feeling peaceful.

And, I got class later in the afternoon.

Life will be getting extremely busy, especially there are so many things to be done and reading need to be accomplished ASAP.

Research have to start now. And, I have to choose one topic for my research. It's like thesis in many universities. It's my first.

Talk about first.

I tried lot of things this year with my new found friends and also with some old friends.

Something I won't do in previous time, and I tried. The process is fine and quite fun as well.

I did things that people thinks I won't do. After all, why not try things when you have one life?

Of course I aware that you can't excel in all things you do and people choose to excel or be the best on one thing they like or prefer.

But, one way or another, we ought to try or at least experience it first hand.

Anyway, got to prepare for class. Later.

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