At last, I finally able to find time to sit and write my blog, I originally intended to write (as concern with several incidents happened this week) few days back, but unable with valid reasons. I think this would be a long, long post, so stay tune, grab a coffee or tea and read (pun intended, don’t take it seriously)
I will start off by talking about my hair style! I changed a new one; previously I have the same old spiky hair thing for like almost 4 years or 3 years, so eventually I tested a new hair style back in December, to see if I could actually avoid the same hair style, so, until last Sunday, I think I muster some courage and asked the hair stylish to cut it short and neat. They said I an innocent boy. You see, it’s BOY. But never mind, I’m content with this new style, should had cut it back then.
2010 certainly started with a bang; thus far I’m pleased with the beginning of the year. I actually did some unexpected things and tried out new stuffs. Not to forget, make more new friends, well, life suppose to be full of variety, yes?
Birthday, I actually told myself to celebrate everyone’s birthday in my college, as I don’t want them to be celebrating without our intake mate, the time 3 years may be long, but it will just end pretty fast in the blink of eye. So, we undertook a special mission on Tuesday. The mission consists of me, Siao Ying, Wai Keng and also Vatsela, after our lunch in the college’s lounge, rushed ourselves to Times Square, we began our search.
We scouted presents for Vivian and Kimberly (whose birthday is on 2nd of Feb, and we celebrated today and Kimberly’s on 27th). We went in to S&J, quite a good shop to look for gifts and so. Then we went to a shop full of Gundam, Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Cars, Wai Keng want to seek something there. We walked around for at least an hour until we made our mind to get the Mug with photos for them. BUT, we don’t have photos of the girls! So we ran around to look for a Cyber cafe, in which we succeed, and did whatever we could and save the pictures into Vatsela’s memory stick (her recorder), rushed back and chose the suitable mugs and key chain, we then went to Old Town for a break.
That was about 3pm, but we still haven’t found an appropriate restaurant for the Saturday’s celebration (today). On Wai Keng’s suggestion, we went to Sg. Wang to look for T.Bowl where they serve food with...toilet bowl (custom made one) and ice-creams*t shaped...But as matter of fact, it’s not disgusting, in fact it’s something new, so we chose this shop.
When almost everything seems to be done, the shop keeper hasn’t complete installing the pictures to the mug. We waited until 5pm, and we have evening class during that day! It’s the least surprising but we were all but tired. Eventually when the stuffs were done, we went to S&J for the final touch, wrappings! We were late, so we don’t have time for dinner, we grab bread instead. It was a tiring day, but the night hasn’t over.
We got to our class in time, and Ms.Meera started her lectures, Vatsela compromise with her to...sing happy birthday song to Kimberly, in which she agreed profusely. The class ended at 9 plus, and we then had a mini celebration and Siao Ying and I both presented Kimberly the present and birthday card. That’s settled for the day and night.
Eventually fast forward, here comes Friday, my mother’s birthday (happy birthday, mum!) and we also invited for an annual dinner by my dad’s friend in Klang. I was already sick on that day, and some more I needed to wear formal attire, but the shirt indeed kept me from being cold. Class ended at 5.30pm, but my dad’s late due to traffic jam, so, stuck in the college for 40 over minutes, and there started the great traffic jam. We thought we were late for the dinner, but usually in any typical Chinese function, they start serving food pretty late, so we managed to arrive on time and eat!
The food there were just marvellous, they served exotic and expensive cuisine! Abalone, surrrp, Scallops, surrrrp, and many more surrrrps! Haha I was basically stuffed! But, the sore throat didn’t help much, causing some great uncomfortable. Anyhow, got home late and slept late but
Woke up very early because it’s Saturday! Going to celebrate Vivian’s birthday and oh, Happy Thaipusam to all my Indian friends and as well as those who celebrate!
So, I woke up pretty much early, I wouldn’t want to be late since the present and other stuff were with me, dangerous. I got to Sg.Wang by 11.30, then somehow, Wai Keng texted me with “Fast, Fast, Fast...”, really a LOL moment, because he booked the place for us, and he was there alone, and it seems the waitress wanna halau (get rid) of us. I got the cake; Cathy followed me because she doesn’t know where T.Bowl located. In case you’re wondering, we were split into two groups, Group A (Heather, Kimberly, Jane Siao Ying and Money) they in charge of stalling for time and guide the birthday girl to T.Bowl, we meant for surprise a party, you see. And group B (Me, Wai Keng, Cathy, Victoria, Alex and Vatsela) was the one to keep everything in order.
The plan ran smoothly and we celebrated Vivian’s birthday! Thankfully, our plan worked out, otherwise our hard work will be in vain. I guess after this, I won’t have much kind of activities until June. Gotta start preparing for exam, it’s just 3 months away (as our lecturers always remind us) It’s time to do it!
By the way, so sorry, Vincent, I suppose to meet you today but I got really sick, I will see you next week I guess? I was requested for another lyrics writing work, but I can’t resume any writing until June, so, will be a busy time for me by then. I wanna get my driving license, too! Haha planned so many things when in fact my exam hasn’t started.
So tomorrow is my daddy’s birthday, it seems my dad doesn’t want any kind of celebration (or deep inside, he wanted?), tomorrow will be just a normal one. Well, I need my rest, too, in serious need of rest!
Well, I need to thank all of them that without them, the celebration won't be a success. Thanks for the effort guys! :D I know that time and energy had gone, but in the end, we enjoyed, right?
I really wrote such a hefty post, wouldn’t mind right, I updated one shot like this?
hehe finally a few days holiday! Sufficent enough, let's enjoy!
Update soon.
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