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Posting pictures! Tuesday we celebrated Wai Keng's birthday. So, here's some pictures to check it out.

The birthday boy, as himself.

Group. Well, many people as you can see. Erm, no need for me to say them out ya.

Accordingly, it is a practice that birthday boy/girl have to..erm...take out the candle with his/her mouth. I don't know who created this up, and I have no idea about the reason why as well. But, it's for the sake of the birthday.


The PEACE...

PROM NIGHT is here, and I didn't go! Whatever it is, wishing my friends a great night and great performance (albeit it's kinda late now to wish them haha!).

Lately, I am in clouded mood. Some incident happened, which casted...storm in my mind, a deep scar in my heart, I must say. But, I guess thanks to this, I managed to pull of from something I don't want to feel. I had questioned my own doubt, my own purpose and my own feeling. What I'm about to chose, will have a great effect on something. it's amazing that some people might possible act upon something when they actually do not the truth lies within it. Understand or not, they will find it out later, only.

Classes on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Here I go.

Update later.

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