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Family politics is never pleasant especially when you stuck in between. The weirdness is that you bond with them because of the future benefit, while you actually never like them at all. The truth is, when they completely used you, they'll leave you behind, even you're the sibling of that person. Granted, it happened around the world but it's your family, which cuts the deepest?

Family politics won't exist in every family, but unfortunately it does on certain family. Some siblings or any family members will be the one who will stick to the head of the family and do whatever things to buy his/her heart. Eventually, to gain favour, of course.

Some siblings will be eyeing their own siblings' money, or especially if the husband/wife of the siblings is rich or from the upper class. So, they will also stick with them to, again, gain favour.

That's the reality, but I had qualified myself, not all families are like this.

Of all kind of politics, family politics...one of the ugliest form. They break children's wellbeing, they never consider the children's feeling, and by all sort of things happened, the baddest thing could happen is that, it influences the children, so the cycle rotates again and again. The children as innocent they are, suffered.

Nevertheless, I think what the children need is a normal and comfortable childhood. It's an essential need. Some cases, they couldn't bond with their relative, and what worse is their parents doesn't allowed to mix with them for fearing many reasons. Some due to personal hatred toward their own siblings, etc.

People, just people doing this for the sake of their own. It can't be help, no one is perfect, but it is just plain weird and abnormal when family politics just happened like this. Perhaps, you're sisters/brothers in law could inject poison to you own siblings, I'm telling this for real, and beware, it's not entirely impossible. It happenned and I witnessed before.

That's the fact of life.

Oh, unjoy.

Humans are just too complex. They just complicated matters

In the end, is this the happiness they want?

They may have the wealth, the health, the status, I doubt they could live with happiness. Perhaps they could, but amazingly done.

I have my share of thought in this issue, though it's not very in detail, but I don't wanna spare more details and my thought. It's not really an important issue. Some able to cope well, and live on. Life goes on, you see.

Anyway, let's offer a minute of silent and prayer to the victims of the Haiti and the dragon boat incident.

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