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Say what?

Holiday is ending. Going back to college tomorrow.

My holiday can be considered to be awesome one. But, I just hope to have another week off. That would be just perfect. After the opening, it had already been promised we will have a lots of class; extra class and special class. Both gonna consume my Saturday and Sunday. Intermediate Examnination is just months away. I guess no more playing around.

As much as I hope, CNY is about a month plus away from now. I CAN'T wait for it! Tell me who won't? But, seriously, after CNY, I don't think I can find time for any entertainment. Erm, my first assignment is to finish my VLE/Online Research work withing, ermm..11 days. 2000 words minimum, ought to get things to start otherwise. Oh, how I wish there is more than 24 hours. Give extra 6 hours!

Alright, finish yammering around. it's a new start for tomorrow. New Goals, new challenges and new adventures! It's time to renew your passion and don't let the laziness to cloth your skin. Start to kick around!

As for my good friend Chan. At times we couldn't get what we want, in fact there are so many obstacles trying to get into your way, but don't give up your home. There's light in every end of the tunnel. Don't let your passion to die out. Don't let those unworthy things to stall your way. Stay your ride alive!

I want to do something before heading to bed. So, update later.

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