Exam is on 22nd of October. And what I do is laying around, online (see, I'm blogging), play games, write my songs, and stuff. If this continue...I duno what to say...God, I really need to kill of the laziness. Geez...I hate this. Now I'm all tense, feel really unprepared. Now when I see all those who started their revision I was like...OMG! LOOK AT THEM! Crap, I never been soooo panic like this before. Even SPM, I never been like this. Damn....pathetic. SHYT... Not only I wasting my time doing this blog, every single human who taking A-levels are studying hard!! ARGHHHH!
Moral of the story is, you wake up blardi early tomorrow and study.
I'm trying to be so. But can I? come on, relax. Gt one freakin' week to study mah. (OKOK, what I trying to say here is just to calm down my mental. Crap meat ice-cream soda, I never been like
If my dad knows what the hell am I doing these days, he is soooo gonna grab that parang to chop
One thing I would like to share.
Hmm, one friend of mine, told me that
A special person wouldn't come into your life sooo easily. When you looking for one, she/he won't appear. While you may not notice, the person already there. Only you do not know.
So my point is this, what can we do? Laid back and wait? hahaha He then continued, jodoh is what you should try to berusaha so that you can gain it. Never give up principle, remember? So then my thinking is, if you should try many times if you fail, am i right? ha...ha. I'm not that kind of person, I think. Depends.
Well, do y'all know Byul? Korean singer? She sings one of the Full House theme songs. I think I love you.
Hmm....I thought I had finally... Well, listen to this song, some memories flashed back. hahaha...ha...Unfortunely, I had this feeling hidden away, just only for this song to drag it back.
These days I had been so sentimental , so nostalgia. Is so un-me. lolz
okay back to study.
what should I DO?????????????????????
laziness will lead me to death. Hey, where is my goal??????
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