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The last person to tag you is?
What relationship of you with him/her?
A very good friend of mine.
Your impression towards him/her?
She's friendly, love to imagine (and that's the fun part) and what else ar? lolz
The most memorable thing he/she has done to you...
I do remember she give all kinds of advice. Is helpful and her advice masuk akal lar (she proclaimed that she learned all those from watch too many hk drama XD)
The most memorable words that he/she has say to you.
aha...haha..ha...I forgot....XD
The most desirable thing to do for he/she is..
I think she wants to become a world famous instead of becoming an accountant lolz
The overall impression to he/her is...
FUNNY!!! Yea, Funny person! And that's what every single human being in this world should be right? No?
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I don't care what people think about me...
The character for you yourself is?
Winter season.
On contrary,the character you hate of yourself is?
lazy, I think. Shy shy, too. But not that matter to me.
The most ideal person you want to be is?
My mentor..
For the person who cares and likes you,say something about them
I love you, mummy! who else ar?
Wo de Tian!!!! Where in hell I'm gonna find another 6 if almost all of my friends had been tagged by the same person, SYLVEA???? Fine, I just bantai put everyone. Not like I care, either XP So Highlighted colour are the one being tag!!
Ten people to
tag 1) Lily
tag 2) Pei Yen
tag 3)Rachita
tag 4) Wei Lynn
tag 5) Joey
tag 6) Ei Vian
tag 7) Vincent
tag 8) Edi
tag 9) chan
tag 10) (I'm out of ideas....) hmm...Pei Yi
Who is number 2 having relationship with?
(Pei Yen) hmm....No one,I think!
Is number 3 a female or a male?
(Rachita) Girl lar...obviously.
If number 7 and 10 be together,would it be a good thing?
(Vincent and Pei Yi) hahahaha no way they will be together. lolz not even in your dream
How about number 5 and 8?
(joey and Edi) hahahaha i don't think so.
What is number 1 studying about?
(Lily) My dear devilish sister is doing a-levels. same class mate some more.
When was the last time you had a chat with them?
few hours ago, I think.
Is number 4 a single?
(Wei Lynn), ar, my niece. yea, single.
Talk something about number 2.
Hmm....she's kinda shy. lolz speaks very softly,

Finally completed this tag thingie...I'm super tired....Btw, is my first time, tho. lolz

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