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Birthday pictures are here. I don't want to post all of them include the wonderful lunch and dinner. Plus, I'm still waiting for the pictures from Vivian. Anyway, zoom to next.

Kinda like a poser?

HAHA mum's idea.

Parents and Lucky. He looked straight towards the camera! :D

you do see me and Lucky, right?

Mum and I.

You may like to see Lucky's face. See he's smilling :D



So, I enjoyed one of the greatest birthday ever. It's special. It's very touching. Very Cool. Too sad that my school mates couldn't make it but nevermind, you guys' sincerity is well appreciated.

I don't want to describe how was the celebration, let it be my only memory. :)

You guys know about Disney's latest anime? The Princess and the Frog.

Well, not gonna talk about it (but, you know, princess kisses a frog, turn out to be a handsome prince, and they lived happily ever after kind of myth.) Wanna talk about the song, Never Knew I needed. Kinda reflect on my situation. Well, check on the song, a nice one, really.

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