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Holiday starts now! Exam ended yesterday, not much of celebration since I was sick, friends were busy, so after lunch, have to go back.

Seriously, my mock, I'd did it, regretablely. I wouldn't discuss my flaw in here, but will keep it in mind, it's my first time doing it...not nice la...

Jeez, well, let's worried after the break.

I have a lot of things to do during this holiday. Shall I make a list? Why not?

-Drama, wanna finish watching The Four
-GAMES, GAMES and GAMES. New games have already been released for the last few months. Oh, they are so waiting for me.
-Online/VlE research. This is actually one of the primary things I ought to do.
-Writing 3 new lyrics! Not to forget, I actually might have the chance to compose one of my own piece! :DDD
-Travelling. Yes! See new things, eat nice food! RELAX time. :)
-Several celebration to attend.
-some outings with old friends.

and many more.

Boy oh boy, Christmas and New year is just like 2 weeks away, last year is just like yesterday. Time goes by, we can never stand the same. Another year, another you. Enjoy!

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