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A. You prefer :
1.Alcohol or Mineral Water : Mineral Water.

2.Blue or Pink : Blue la.

3.Hot Guys or Cool Guys : whatever.

4.Good Looks or Brains : what would you think?

5.Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner : Oh, Taylor Swift.

6.Friends or Loved Ones : It's hard to chose.

7."Baby" or "Honey" : Baby, Baby.

B.You are the kind of guy :
1.Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic : Balance.

2.Good or Bad : They said I looked innocent.

3.Brave or Cute : Not for me to decide.

4.Tall or Short : Can consider tall.

5.T-Shirt or Suite : Suite! The Year of Gentlemen.

6.Coat or Leather Jacket: BOTH.

7.Sunnies or Spectacles : Spectacles.

8.Caring or Rich : I think I'm caring, yes?

9.Kisses or Hugs : not fond of both.

10. Romantic: eh...I don't know.

C.Your/You kind of girl :
1.Cute or Pretty : Not important.

2.Sweet or Caring: Caring, of course!

3.Sports or "Princess Candle" : Balance.

4.Surprises? Would like to, but not too bizzare.

5.Smile or Frown : I'd say smile. :D Wei Xiao.

6.Love Quotes or Love Poems : Yes and no.

7.Computer Geek or Study Nerd : Not important factor.

8.SMS or MSN : Both are fine.

9.Forever or Just For Fun : Forever la.

10.Hang outs with Friends or Couple Date : Depends on the day and mood.

Your Daily Activities :
1.After Breakfast : Newspaper.

2.Before School: Shower la.

3.During School : what else you can really do?

4.After School : workout, maybe.

5.Night: go figure.

6.Midnight : Sleeping by most.

7.Holidays : Travelling. Books...Games...Hang out, etc.

Tag 10 people :
1. Wei Lynn
2. Teh Siao Ying
3. Vivian
4. Ayush
5. Cathy
6. Stephanie
7. Lily
8. Jane
9. Genise
10. Chan Yew Jin

1.What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you ?
Say thank you?

2.Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to ?
Why not? It will be a great date, perhaps.

3.Is 7 single ?
Technically, Yes.

4.Describe 1
She's very friendly. Good friend :D

5. Will you date 8?
I afraid no, otherwise someone will be there...keke

6.What is 2's nickname ?

7.What do you wish to tell 10 right now ?
See ya soon man!

8.What is 5 good in ?

9.If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be?
Buy him a present.

10.Have you seen 1 cried ?
No, haven't.

11.Is 2 crazy or geeky ?
hahahahaha let her answer this.

12.Will you hold 7's hand and walk around ?
Haha she will thinks I'm crazy and call the police or something.

13.What do you think of 6 ?
A great friend.

14.Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park ?
I afraid I can't. She will grab a gun or two.

15.Is 8 sweet ?
Yes, she is.

16.What is 9's hobby ?

17.Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant?

18.Is 5 fitted to be a maid?

19.When it started raining, who will you seek for an umbrella?
Either Vivian or Teh. :D

20. Where would you go with 1 on a date?
She's my niece! No!

0 what is your thought?:


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