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I'm posting some pictures of celebration of Alex's birthday at Times Square, Thursday.

I believe he enjoyed a great time and was also his first time celebrating in KL with his new college mates.

At 10.30+, I went to meet SY at Popular bookstore to get a card. Then we proceed to somewhere when Kiran joined us, to get a cake.

Oh, SY and Kiran, throughout the journey to Times, shall remain in your heart, period.

Then we went to ROMP, to chose something for him. People can be very choosey and couldn't decide. We asked for majority vote, when Vivian and JJ came. It's something very yeng (cool)

Time went by, we then went somewhere to do whatever we should until Alex arrived and called me. We went to KFC, Alex was looked to be unpleased as some of them were late. Haha, it's my fault that I asked them to come later, well, it seems to be dull if we approach Alex with all the gifts, right?

Fast forward, we ate, we sang, we ate (the cake) again. It's truly something special during that short hour.

We went for Pandorium. The movie is neither good or bad. I just couldn't enjoy it more.

So movie ended, I gotta rush to Bangsar to meet Vincent. Something bad about them was that they repeatly calling me! It's pretty rude when my friends were around.

Anyhow, here's the picture. Check it out.

The main actor of the day, Alex :D

Haha I don't know there was this kind of tradition, but the birthday boy gotta dug out the candle with his mouth.

Cool looking guy. Sorry girls, he's single but not available.

Bunch of us. I liked this photo.

Haha JJ chilling aside.

Us, again.


Me and Alex.

The guys.

The girls.

Alex's birthday is tomorrow. We planned to celebrate earlier as none of us would be free. Alright, Happy birthday Alex! God and Goddess bless! :D

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