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Another night.

Another night.

Yes, another night of nasal blockage. It got really bad. I almost couldn't breathe.

That niht, I didn't took medicine, really have to blame myself for it (albeit the fact that, it normally attacks me suddenly, not my fault anyhow). Today, (30/10) I ate one, and as the night drawn closer, my blockage got really bad. I forced to eat some food (supper is really a big no, no for me, urghh) so that I can take another medicine.

Now, I think the medicine finally taking effect, I'm okay now. But, it seems something is making me to suffer.

It's 2.20 am, now. And, I'm still wide wake. Tomorrow, certainly, will make me burning around...

I don't know why, but I feel like my psychology barriers can't remain for a moment. I feel all kind of pain. No, I didn't hurt myself, of course.

I don't know why, felt very uneasy, very uncomfortable.

I'm really tired of all these. I need a break. Again, I need to recover myself. I'm dragged to the depth of ocean. I need to have my clear conscious mind.

The aura is surrounding me and building up very fast again. It's really something I need to get rid of it.

It's not a pun. Not like something for me to make up.

Maybe, I'm just tired. Forget about it.

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