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Animals are animals, they're not human. Don't expect animals to be treated like human.... cause they're not human.

I copied someone's comment. True enough, animals are not human, but my question is what makes you a human? How uncultivated thinking. So, by all means for you to ill treat or abuse the animals makes you are human then? What a utter ridiculous thing. One may ask oneself if we truly a human being with a human heart, will we do such thing? I can say by the person's comment, you're no less a human.

As Confucius said we shall never impose something on other, for we never want the something to impose on us. The meaning is simple. Why shall we do so? I can't help it that some people masked themselves tightly. In doing so, they actually gain nothing.

I'm totally against with what they think and what the DBKL doing.

I'm an animal lover, one of my purpose of forming LVAC is do good for the animals. Although our group is not that influencing, but from this video and the person's comment strengthen my resolute.

I'm calling on people who are truly wanted to give a hand, to help, and you have no idea how, come to me, our group is here for you. I think that you shall never be afraid that this LVAC thing is to trick or something like that. Come and let's do our part.

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