Well, I thought after mock I could have a 3 days rest. I think is wrong.
The performance had been reschedule, changing it to tomorrow night. Yay....
And the location is in Ipoh....all the time I thought is in Damansara...
Okay, the best thing is tomorrow morning I got class. Great isn't it? I have to be at Ipoh by 5pm. Vincent can't get me there because, I'm not the only person under him.
He has to take care of other. And I know, you guys will say that I should just skip the class. Sorry man, the extra class is special, is the LLB lecturers teaching is Law. Is a great experience.
I don't mind making myself tired because of this.
Anyway, I have to wear formal clothes...that's mean...blazer...
this is the part I hate. I dislike getting attention from people. Is kinda uncomfortable.
Let's just hope people will just think I'm normal.
And thanks again to mmy mum for helping me, other wise I really had to skip class.
Dad is not gonna read this right? hahaha
I got to go now, got so much of work. Finally, I'm buying my freedom. 2 long years in the showbiz. I'm stopping for education purpose. I think I will it. Vincent if got part time work for me, just call me!!
One more thing, thanks to all people who had gave me support. Thanks ya to my friends who being very considerate due to my work. And those people out there thanks for attending those mini performance, although is not best, but thanks for coming!
Have to run! See ya this monday!! BYE!
I believe Teresa Kok stands for integrity, accountability, responsibility,
good governance and democracy
I refer to the report on Teresa Kok’s admission that a recent corruption
probe involving two of her former officers could affect her chances in the
1 day ago
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