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sick of it.

Sick of it.

Haven't got the mood to move around today.

I don't know what is wrong with me, and asshole, I'm not emo-ing.

Everything I go through now is BORING.

I'm lacking of something we call, excitement. I felt boring about everything right now.

Everything seems to be same. Seems to be boring. Seems to me nothing but a fat lie.

Geez, I don't know why I felt this way. Everyday is just seems to be same. I'm so sick of it.

And so many things now, pissed me off, take for example, The Earth Hour campaign. Many people out there doesn't seems to appreciate this campaign. Okay fine, I know that is hard for everyone to fulfill the requirement, shut the lights up for an hour. So is okay you can't but I expecting people to refuse politely and I have to look at your rude gestures. Fine, you don't want to join, not like I forcing you or what, but why the hell you guys have to be rude? Some even better, they think that I doing this because I get paid. What I'm doing is not for myself, The Earth Hour org did not I'm promoting this to everyone. Stupid you say? Gosh, do you really think I'm doing this for you guys? I'm DOING THIS FOR THE EARTH, not for you guys. Whatever la. I'm not going to help promote much about this campaign.

And now I get myself sick and tired due to over working. At anytime

Anyway, congratulation to those who scored well in their spm.

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